Help decorate the lions rose float
Rose Supporter Bouquets & Pins
Rose Supporter Bouquets & Pins
It’s not possible for everyone to travel to Irwindale, California to help decorate the Lions Float. The “Buy a Rose Bouquet” program gives you a digital front row seat in the creation of the Float. Your donation helps Lions Float, Inc. cover the cost that goes into putting a float in the Rose Parade.
Rose Supporter Bouquets & Pins
______ Leo-Lion Bouquet is $20.00US (receive a Rose Supporter Pin and 5 Digital Pictures from design to finish to share)
______ Helen’s Knights Bouquet is $100.00 (receive 2 Rose Supporter Pins and 10 Digital Pictures from design to finish to share)
______ We Serve Bouquet is $200.00 (receive 4 Rose Supporter Pins, 15 Digital Pictures and a hard cover keepsake book commemorating the 2025 Lions Rose Parade Float)
______ Thank You for Your Service Bouquet ( with respective items identified above) _____ $20.00 _____$100.00 _____$200.00
______ 6 Rose Supporter Pins - $100.00
Make Checks Payable to Lions Float Inc
Send Payment To: PDG Mark Piva, LFI Treasurer, 7171 Warner Avenue, #B159 , Huntington Beach, CA 92647