Fellowships & Donations
Lions Float Inc. Building Lions Clubs Tournament of Roses Floats Since 1992
Please help support the float and make a donation today
Honor a Lion with a Fellowship
A fellowship is a terrific way to honor a deserving Lion while supporting the Lions Float. There are five fellowships, each providing a handsome plaque and a decorative lapel pin.
For More Information contact: PDG Randy McMillan Cell: 562-458-1773 or Email: randymcmillan4L4lion@gmail.com
Donald E. Banker Fellowship
The Donald E. Banker fellowship honors 1991-1992 International President Don Banker, who held that office in the first year of a Lions entry in the Rose Parade. As president he served as our goodwill ambassador, visiting more than 100 countries telling both religious and political leaders of our Lions legacy. PIP Banker was also the first international president to ride on a Lions float in the parade.
Honor a member of your club
Garry Lozaun Fellowship
Past District Governor Garry Lozaun is memorialized with this fellowship. It was PDG Lozaun who initiated the Fellowship program as one means of raising funds to finance the annual Rose Parade float entry. This Lion loved being part of the work of Lions Float Inc. from the time he joined the committee in 1995 until his death in 2008.
Honor a member of your club $350.00
Wilt LeBlanc Fellowship
This fellowship is in memory of Past District Governor Wilt LeBlanc. PDG Leblanc was dedicated to the float project and diplayed great leadership skills in bringing it to fruition. He was deeply involved from the project's inception in 1991 until his death in 2002.
Honor a member of your club
Postage included.
Chuck Overbey Fellowship
This Fellowship is in memory of PDG Chuck Overbey, Administrative Director of the Fellowship Program and member of the Committee until his death in 2012.
Honor a member of your club
Postage included.
Jim North Fellowship
Memorializes Past District Governor Jim North, a member of the committee since 2002 serving as Vice President 2005-2006, President 2006-2007 and as Treasurer from 2010 until his death in 2014.
A fellowship is a terrific way to honor a deserving Lion while supporting the Lions Float. There are five fellowships, each providing a handsome plaque and a decorative lapel pin.
Postage included.