Board and committee information

Information about the Lions Float Inc. board, committees, and marketing resources.

Committee information

Lions Float Inc. board committee descriptions.

Executive Committee

  1. Members of the Committee are the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Immediate Past President, Executive Advisor, Secretary and Treasurer.

  2. The Executive Committee has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the board.

4.2 Bylaws Committee

  1. Executive Advisor serves as the Chair

  2. The committee reviews and presents potential Bylaw’s amendments to the board for approval.

  3. The committee reviews and updates the Policies and Procedures Manual with the assistance of the Executive Committee.

4.3 Budget and Finance Committee

  1. Responsible for preparing the annual budget for approval of the board

  2. Oversees the operations of the treasurer

4.4 Marketing Committee

  1. Responsible for the annual marketing plan for the float

  2. Responsible for presenting fundraising ideas

  3. Coordinates website and social media marketing with the Webmaster

  4. Coordinates the sales of merchandise

    1. Solicit volunteers to be sales representatives in each Area of the MD

    2. Track merchandise sent out to representatives and “others”

    3. Ensure merchandise available for sale at all events prescribe by the Board

4.5 Merchandise Committee

  1. Committee is comprised of the President, 1st Vice President, Immediate Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.

  2. Coordinate with all vendors utilized for merchandise sales

  3. Review, assess and revise merchandise purchase plans and sales

  4. Works with Marketing Committee to ensure timely marketing campaigns

4.6 Concierge Committee (3 People minimum)

  1. Aid the International Lions family and visiting Lions with information, technical support and problem solve any issues that arise.

  2. Communicate transportation schedules for the International Family and visiting Lions

  3. Supply the concierge room with the necessary supplies for the week leading up to the parade (Appendix B)

  4. Concierge Committee to put together supply package for Rose Parade event commencing 6 days prior to the parade. (Appendix B)

4.7 Transportation Committee (Chair and 4-6 Drivers)

  1. Secure appropriate transportation for the events

  2. Secure drivers for the transport of the International family and visiting Lions

  3. Secure drivers for the transport of Riders and Walkers

  4. Create and execute the transportation schedule for the events

4.8 Fundraising Committee

  1. Fellowship Coordinator

      1. Coordinate the sale and distribution of available Fellowships

      2. Record and report type of fellowships sold, amount paid, name of recipient to the Secretary and Treasurer in writing

      3. Order and distribute plaques for Fellowship purchasers

      4. Coordinate with the Marketing Committee and Webmaster to market fellowships

  1. Ambassador Program Coordinator

    1. Coordinate the distribution of information marketing the program

    2. Record and report participants, donations and merchandise information to the Secretary and Treasurer in writing

  1. Golf Tournament Chair(s)

    1. Select and secure date, time, and place of tournament

    2. Solicit committee members

    3. Solicit Raffle and Auction Prizes

    4. Create and distribute registration information

    5. Report and record registrations, all income and expenses, and results from the tournament to the Secretary and Treasurer in writing

  1. Float Rider/Walker Coordinator

    1. Coordinate the distribution of information marketing the program

    2. Coordinate the collection of funds with the Treasurer

    3. Record and report a list of participants to the Secretary and Treasurer in writing

    4. Coordinate with the Transportation Chair shuttling of participants for judging and parade activities

4.8 Fundraising Committee (continued)

    1. Coordinate participant notifications with the Secretary

    2. Coordinate participants on the day of the parade

  1. Ride of Your Life Raffle Coordinator

    1. Secure printed Raffle tickets in sequential numerical order

    2. Coordinate with the Marketing Committee and Webmaster for advertising

    3. Record and Report distribution of tickets, sales and deposits to the Secretary and Treasurer in writing.

    4. Hold drawing publicly and notify the winners

4.9 Nominations and Elections Committee

  1. Members appointed by the President

  2. Solicit nominations for the board officer positions and board positions

  3. Vet nominations for board officer positions and board positions

  4. Present slate of officers to be placed on the ballot

  5. Present slate of directors to be placed on the ballot

  6. Coordinate and distribute the ballot for voting

  7. Compile and report results to the President and Secretary

4.10 Long Range Planning Committee

  1. Immediate Past President and the Executive Advisor will Co-Chair the committee

  2. Create a 5-year plan

  3. Reassess plan each year and adjust as needed

Marketing materials

Downloadable material for presentations at Lions meetings and events

Current brochure PDF

PowerPoint presentation

Golf tournament flyer

Ambassador program flyer PDF

Buy a rose program flyer

Fellowship flyer

Ride of your Life flyer