2026 Rose Parade theme is "The Magic in Teamwork!"

The theme celebrates the sense of accomplishment in knowing that by working together, we can collectively achieve outcomes so much richer than we can ever experience as individuals.


LIONS International FLOAT

Help support the Float please make a donation today


Lions Float Ambassadors 2024/2025

  • PID Dr. Gary Anderson

    Grand Rapids Lions Club
    District 27 C1

  • PDG Thelma R. Batilo

    Milpitas Executive Lions Club
    District 4-C6

  • Kenneth Berner

    Crockett Lions Club
    District 4-C3

  • PID Robert “Bob” Block

    Calumet City Lions Club
    District 1 A

  • DG Victoria Brady

    DG Victoria Brady

    Sacramento Senator Lions Club
    District 4-C5

  • PDG Rick Carnal

    Sausalito Lions Club

  • PDG Richard Cervantes

    Camarillo-Somes Pleasant Valley Lions Club 4-A3

  • DG Eric Cheung

    Atwater Winton Lions Club
    District 4-A1

  • DG Jennifer Cho

    Los Angeles New Heritage Lions Club
    District 4-L3

  • PDG Elisa Coyle

    Anderson Lions Club
    District 4-C1

  • PID William Crawford

    Encinitas Lions Club
    District 4-L6

  • PDG Julio DeGuzman

    La Jolla Presidents Lions Club


    Whittier Host Lions Club
    District 4-L2

  • Lion Lynda Durand

    Garden Grove Host Lions Club
    District 4-L4

  • PCC Craig Durand

    PCC Craig Durand

    Garden Grove Lions Club
    District 4-L4

  • PDG Benjie Fernandez

    Milipitas Executive Lions Club

  • Lion Carol Fung

    San Francisco Unified Lions
    District 4-C4

  • PDG Kevin Guess

    Peninsula Veterans Lions Club

  • PDG Lily Harris

    Los Angeles Brilliant Lions Club
    District 4-L3

  • SVDG Jany Huang

    LA Royal Lions Club
    District 4-L2


    San Bruno Lions Club
    District 4-C4

  • PDG Christy Kroell

    Fresno Host Lions Club

  • IPDG Scarlett Ku

    Arcadia Champions
    District 4-L2

  • PDG Steven Lacey

    Cucamonga District Host Lions Club
    District 4-L4

  • FVDG Vince Leone

    District 1F
    Palatine Lions Club

  • PDG Nicole Héon Lepage

    Club Lions de Terrebonne
    District U-1

  • PDG Norm Mackenzie

    San Marcos Lions
    District 4-L6

  • FVDG Nicanor "Nick" Mananghaya

    FVDG Nicanor "Nick" Mananghaya

    Los Angeles Cosmopolitan Lions Club
    District 4-L3

  • PCC Claudia Miller

    DG Claudia Miller

    Modesto 500 Lions Club
    District 4-A1

  • SVDG Dr. Cedric Mitsui

    Honolulu Chinatown
    District 50

  • DG Kaiser Mo

    LA Elite Lions Club
    District 4-L2

  • SVDG Jimmy Ness

    SVDG Jimmy Ness

    Foster City Bair Island Cyber Lions Club
    District 4-C4

  • PDG Juanita Nichols

    Santa Maria Sunrisers
    District 4-A3

  • FVDG Angel Peil

    Industry Hills Lions Club
    District 4-L2

  • President Lina Philipp

    LA Hollywood Host
    District 4-L3

  • SVDG Myrna Psillas

    San Diego Majestic Lions Club

  • PDG Bill Ridle

    Antioch Rivertown Veterans Lions Club
    District 4-C3

  • PDG Manuel Sanchez

    Montebello Lions Club
    District 4-L2

  • PDG Drew Sasser

    Chino Valley Lions Club

  • PDG Manil Shrestha

    Berkley Annapurna Lions Club


    Capitola Coast Lions Club
    District 4C-6

  • PDG Hank Trueba

    Jurupa District Lions Club

  • President Angie Wang

    LA Diamond Lions Club
    District 4-L2

  • DG Stan Weitzman

    Los Gatos Lions Club
    District 4-C6

  • DG Alan M. Winkelstein

    Temecula Lions Club
    District 4-L5

  • PDG Zenny Yagen

    Sacramento Malaya Lions Club

  • FVDG Elizabeth Yoe

    San Diego Mirimar Lions Club

Help make the lions float possible

Your Lions Rose float is growing year by year and is seen by People all over the world! help us raise money to fund the float, purchase the great Terry Lynn Products the will ship to you direct and the Lions Float will receive a portion of the funds as a donation to Lions Float Inc. these Items are great for Birthdays, convention bags, parties, Christmas, Easter, and everyday events! Thank You in advance for your Orders

A portion of every product sold on this fundraising website benefits Lions Float Inc!

Orders to each person ship FREE anywhere in the U.S. when their items total $30 or more!



Lions Clubs International and the Rose Parade


Lions first displayed a float in the 1948 Rose Parade. Since 1992 Lions Clubs International has continuously presented a float in the New Year's Day Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California. The parade is viewed by an estimated 400 million people in 85 countries around the world. The production price for the Lions float is a tiny fraction of the cost of purchasing television advertising of this magnitude. It serves as a message to the world that Lions are people who serve others.

Each year LCI's President and 1st Lady ride the float in the parade. Television commentary will once again highlight Lions' service and note the presence of these special units. There will also be four additional places on the float allowing seating for those who choose to purchase a "Ride of Your Life" Package.


Ride of Your Life

Purchase your “Ride of your Life" tickets for a once in a lifetime experience.

What's in the Package?

  • “Ride of your Life" Package valued at $5,000 is an opportunity to ride the float

  • 1 (one) seat on the Lions Clubs International Float

  • Themed apparel for the ride.

  • 1 (one) nights accommodations at the host hotel.

  • 1 (one) grandstand parade ticket for a guest.

  • 2 (two) tickets to the Lions Club International President meet and greet Reception.

  • Tour of the float barn

  • Transportation to and from the parade from the host hotel.


Ride of Your Life tickets may be purchased in person by business or personal check via mail from Past Council Chair Craig Durand. The Ride of Your Life and the Out-Walkers purchases are for the 2025 New Year’s Parade.

Purchase your tickets today contact PCC Craig Durand

Cell: 714-936-5778

Email: lioncraig4l4@gmail.com

10032 Edye Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92646

About Lions Float, Inc

Since 1994 Lions Float, Inc., a non-profit corporation, has taken charge of directing preparations and funding of the annual float. This year-round activity involves float design, fundraising and organizing and directing volunteers who work on the float decorations. In many cases these volunteers are composed of youth from our Leo clubs. And each year the International President and spouse add at least a few flowers during their visit.

1994_G (1).jpg

Since 1992 Lions Clubs International has continuously presented a float in the New Year's Day Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California.

Lions Float Inc. History

In 1992, under the leadership of then International President Donald E. Banker of Rolling Hills CA, Lions Clubs International entered its third float in the New Year's Day Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena and has continued every year since that time.

Two of our Lions entries (1993 & 1994) won awards for the most beautiful float in our category. The 2014 float received the Special Trophy for exceptional merit in multiple classifications. We think all of our floats are beautiful and exceptional that promote our service activities to people worldwide who watch the parade and see the float each year.

Lions Float, Inc., a non-profit corporation, was formed in 1994 to direct the preparation and funding of the Lions float in the Rose Parade. This is a year-round activity involving the designing, fundraising and coordinating of volunteer decoration of the float in December. To raise these funds, Lions Float, Inc. sells a variety of commemorative items such as banner patches, lapel pins, polo & t-shirts, jackets, tote bags, hats and offers fellowships for donations honoring PIP Banker and others.

We welcome the support of Lions all over the world in supporting and decorating the float. What a better way to promote Lionism than to be represented in this widely publicized international parade. Lions International is the largest service organization in the world. We want the world to hear us ROAR!